Sunday, 23 May 2010

Where's my dinner?

We feeds the birds from a bird feeder in our garden, just outside the kitchen window. We get Sparrows, Chaffinches, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Starlings, Blackbirds and occasionally Woodpeckers. Now we have for some time wondered at the way that when stocks run low we get Sparrows and Blue Tits on the window sill, tapping at the window. We are not sure whether they are just finding amusement at their own reflection or actually trying to get our attention – having made some sort of connection between the food appearing in the feeder and the people that live in the house.

Well, today i was sat here writing a different blog article and there is a knocking at the window and this is what I saw.



Yep, just to make sure, here is a close-up. The Woodpecker wants his dinner!!!


Apologies for poor exposure/composition but this guy is so timid and I had to get the camera and take the picture without disturbing him. This was all over in maybe 5-10 seconds. He'd gone almost by the time my camera was away from my face.


Today I feel lucky to be here, now. :)

Friday, 21 May 2010

How do you use blog content?

Do you write a blog, have you ever thought about it? I think people fall into one of a few categories when it comes to blogs, especially blogs with technical content.

  1. Writing articles furiously – daily, twice daily and reading dozens of others.
  2. Writing the odd piece of content and read plenty of others’ output.
  3. Started a blog once and its fizzled out but reading lots.
  4. Thought about starting a blog someday but never got around to it, hopping into the occasional blog when a link or a Tweet takes them there.
  5. Never thought about writing one but often catching content from them when Google (or other preferred search engine) finds content related to their search.

Now I am not saying that either of these is right or wrong, nor am I saying that anyone should feel any compulsion to be in any particular category. What I would say is that you as a blog reader have the power to move blog writers from one category to another.

How, you might ask? How do I have any power over a blog writer? It is very simple – feedback. If you give feedback then the blog writer knows that they are reaching an audience, if there is no response then they we are simply writing down our thoughts for what could amount to nothing more than a feeble amount of exercise and a few more key stokes towards the onset of RSI.

Most blogs have a mechanism to alert the writer when there are comments, and personally speaking, if an email is received saying there has been a response to a blog article then there is a rush of enthusiasm, a moment of excitement that someone is actually reading and considering the text that was submitted and made available for the whole world to read. I am relatively new to this blog game and could be in some extended honeymoon period as I have also recently been incorporated into the Simple Talk ‘stable’. I can understand that once you get to the "Dizzy Heights of Ozar" ( then getting comments and feedback might not be such a pleasure and may even be rather more of a chore but that, I guess, is the price of fame. For us mere mortals starting out blogging, getting feedback (or even at the moment for me, simply the hope of getting feedback) is what keeps it going. The hope that you will pick a topic that hasn’t been done recently by Brad McGehee, Grant FritcheyPaul Randall, Thomas LaRock or any one of the dozen of rock star bloggers listed here or others from SQLServerPedia and so on, and then do it well enough to be found, reviewed, or <shudder> (re)tweeted to bring more visitors is what we are striving for, along with the fact that the content we might produce is something that will be of benefit to others.

There is only so much point to typing content that no-one is reading and putting it on a blog. You may as well just write it in a diary. A technical blog is not like, say, a blog covering photography techniques where the way to frame and take a picture stands true whether it was written last week, last year or last century - technical content goes sour, quite quickly. There isn't much call for articles about yesterdays technology unless its something that still applies to current versions too, so some content written no more than 2 years ago isn't worth having now. The combination of a piece of content that you know is going to not last long and the fact that no-one reads it is a strong force against writing anything else. Getting feedback counters that despair and gives a value to writing something new.

I would say that any feedback is good but there are obviously comments that are just so negative or otherwise badly phrased that they would hasten the demise of a blog but, in general most feedback will encourage a writer. It may not be a comment that supports or agrees with the main theme of a post but if it generates discussion or opens up a previously unexplored viewpoint it is contributing to the blog and is therefore encouraging to the writer.

Even if you only say "thank you" before you leave a blog, having taken a section of script to use for yourself or having been given a few links to some content that has widened your knowledge it will be so welcome to the blog owner.

Isn't it also the decent thing to do, acknowledging that you have benefited from another's efforts?

Saturday, 15 May 2010


Well, it was really windy and a little rainy at times but I had the camera out for a good DSC_6231while. Sadly the wind put and end to many close-ups of the birds as it was blowing me on my feet but here is one that I am pleased with. I know the horizon wasnt that sloping but its a symptom of trying to pan with the bird in the middle of a blowy day on the top of a cliff. No apologies :).

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Scary update on the future of this blog

I have the great pleasure (and no small amount of anxiety if I am completely open about it) to announce that I have been invited to syndicate this blog with Simple-Talk ( This is a brilliant opportunity for me to connect with so many more people in the world of SQL Server than via this site so I truly hope I am good enough to produce suitable quantity and quality to match the other creators at Simple Talk. Its all going on at

This blog will continue, but there may be some items that dont get double posted.

I would like to thank the staff at Red Gate ( for their offer and assistance in getting this all in place, hopefully I wont let you down.


Please be sure to read the code disclaimer page before you use any code in this blog.


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